Welcome to Friends Place DeSoto

Friends Place in DeSoto offers the premier Friends Place Adult Day Services in Southwest Dallas County.   By offering both a social and medical model of care, people with memory impairment can remain at home, maintain an optimal level of functioning plus delay the need and/or avoid placement in a long term care facility.  To read more about how Friends Place is different, click here.

Friends Place in DeSoto began offering services to the Southwest Dallas County area is 2012. Since inception, we have offered services to more than 130 families. We are the only free-standing, dedicated adult day center in the area that specializes in Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

We are proud to be able to provide services to our veterans through our contract with the Veterans Administration of North Texas. Read more about our VA contract here.

February 2025

Mon Feb 3 Groundhog Day (“Again?!” – Bill Murray probably)
Tue Feb 4 Jim Gatlin entertains
Fri Feb 7 Super Bowl pregame day
Mon Feb 10 Daniel Slider entertains
Fri Feb 14 Valentine’s Day celebration
Wed Feb 26 Birthday Celebration with Sherry Hamilton
Mon Feb 3 and Feb 17 Good News Story Hour Celebrates Black History
All month long Morning Seminar Highlights Black Americans

Tai Chi with Merrily – Wednesday 

Every Wednesday Book Club – The Giver


Support Group Information

Tuesday, February 11

Time:  2:00 – 3:30 pm


Tuesday February 25

Speaker: Jessica Warren, Attorney
Topic: What End Of Life Documents do I Need?

Time:  2:00 – 3:30 pm

About Jessica Warren:

I was proudly born and raised in the lone star state of Texas. My diverse background in Psychology, Finance and Law enriches the arsenal I gladly use to advocate for my clients. I attended Texas Lutheran University in Seguin Texas where I majored in Psychology and Sociology. I received my law degree from Valparaiso University School of Law and have been licensed in the state of Texas since 2010.

Over the years, I have stretched my legal brain and practiced civil law, family law, business law, criminal law, property and mortgage law and finally estate planning and probate. My practice now exclusively consists of criminal defense and estate planning and probate. The two areas probably seem very different, but I believe that I am passionate about both for the same reason. Getting to know each client, the heart of the issues facing them, and working with each client to find the best solution for them as an individual or a couple.


Meetings are sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association and are open to the community. 

COVID-19 – Policies and Procedures Summary

Visitor Policy:
Visitors allowed with screening.

Day to Day Operations
Each day, high-touch areas will be cleaned according to the CDC recommendation.
EPA-approved, or appropriate substitute, hand sanitizer will be available in each room.
Wet wipes, or a CDC-approved substitute, will also be available alongside hand sanitizer.
Employees will wipe down all high-traffic surfaces frequently. This includes, but is not limited to, doorknobs, toilet handles, faucets and light switches

Masks are optional.

In the event of a reported case of COVID19 from one of our members, the member will be asked to maintain a quarantine as defined by CDC.

Each person that has come into contact with a confirmed case of COVID19 and are symptomatic themselves will be expected to self-quarantine as defined by CDC before they will be allowed back as a member or an employee.

Drop-off Procedure
Family members can walk their loved one into the building

During the Day:
Any member exhibiting any of the following new symptoms will be tested for COVID (rapid test)

  • Fever or chill
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Diarrhea
  • In the last 2 weeks have you travelled outside the DFW metroplex?

If the member has a fever of 99.5˚F/37.5˚C or higher, their family member will be called to come pick them up.